Life Awaits

Life Awaits

The time has come to return to the land of the living following my gastric bypass surgery. I am feeling good, fantastic even, and am ready to get back to what I love doing each day. Of course, I have not fixed my hair or makeup for two weeks, so…more
What’s Up With Social Media?

What’s Up With Social Media?

I was laying in bed last night unable to sleep and started thinking about social media. Oh, the things dreams are made of, right? In conjunction with starting this blog, I initiated pages on several social media platforms under the "Weigh Over My Head" blog name. My intention, at the…more
On The Bench

On The Bench

During my long journey to bariatric gastric bypass surgery, I heard the phrase "on the loser's bench" several times after patients had completed their surgeries. As of 11:00 am this past Monday, I am also "on the loser's bench". I am at home now and in the surgery recovery phase.…more


The time has come. Here I sit, the night before my gastric bypass (RNY), and I don't know what to feel. This has been such a long process and there were times when I did not think I would ever get here. I'm excited that the day is here, and…more
The Last Hurdle

The Last Hurdle

WOW…this is getting VERY real VERY quickly. Yesterday, I cleared my last hurdle for surgery. I saw my primary doctor to get his clearance and his sign off for my RNY procedure next Monday. I am a little anxious, but I am more excited about getting through the surgery and…more