WOW…this is getting VERY real VERY quickly. Yesterday, I cleared my last hurdle for surgery. I saw my primary doctor to get his clearance and his sign off for my RNY procedure next Monday. I am a little anxious, but I am more excited about getting through the surgery and then on with my new life.
I am now a week into my liver shrinking diet and am doing well. Honestly, the first week was not fun and I was HANGRY!! It is very hard to seriously limit intake when your stomach has not changed. But, now that I am in the second week, I feel great. I have all kinds of energy, my joint pain seems to be decreased, and I am just in a really good mood. I’m amazed by the impact limiting/eliminating carbohydrates and sugars can have on my overall wellness. Everyone knows to limit carbs and sugars in order to lose weight. I had no idea my mood could be affected this much as well. My kids have been laughing at me because I have been so talkative and even a little hyper. I like this feeling!!
I have found that it is easier for me to eat the same things over and over rather than try to cook/plan options during these two weeks. Breakfast consists of a double espresso mixed with a chocolate protein shake over ice (FYI…Nespresso machine all the way!!). I was told that I could add Benefiber to meals in order to provide some fullness, so I added some to my breakfast “meal” for the first two days of this liver diet. Well, let me tell you that did not go well. My gallbladder was removed in 2003, and I have been a frequent visitor to bathrooms since that time. I thought adding the extra fiber might actually slow down the trips to the bathroom a bit from all the extra bulk. Nope. Spent much time in the bathroom those first two days. So no added fiber for me until after surgery. Lunch has been a tuna packet with pickles almost everyday. Afternoon snack is usually an apple. Dinners have been lettuce, 3 ounces canned chicken breast (Sam’s Club brand is the best), some quinoa/brown rice, and all topped with a little smidgen of balsamic vinegar. I am now addicted to this combo. So yummy. Evening snacks have been either sugar free popsicles or high fiber cereal.
All I’s are dotted and all T’s are crossed. I’m on go for a Covid test on Friday followed by my final appointment with my surgeon. I then have to quarantine all weekend in preparation for surgery Monday. Unfortunately, my quarantine time hits Easter weekend, and I will have to miss church and a wonderful lunch with my family. But my family is supportive and understanding of the process. I will enjoy Easter with as many clear liquids as possible.