Life Awaits

Life Awaits

The time has come to return to the land of the living following my gastric bypass surgery. I am feeling good, fantastic even, and am ready to get back to what I love doing each day. Of course, I have not fixed my hair or makeup for two weeks, so I’m sure my family is ready for that to change as well. I have taken full advantage of being home for these few days. I have spent time trying to learn how my new stomach is going to handle life and how I am going to handle my new stomach. There have been a few times where my body has literally thrown me down on the couch and said “What the hell did you do to me?” As a result of those rude blindsided attacks, I have also given myself grace to relax and enjoy a few naps while my body used all its’ resources to heal. I do know that I have so much more to learn and this process will be ongoing over the next several months and even years.

As I said, I feel AMAZING!!! I had to put that in all caps because my brain is yelling it as I type. I am one week post op from RNY and can not believe the energy and mood. I couldn’t explain it if I tried. My family has been laughing at me for two days because I have been talking nonstop and loudly, apparently. I feel almost like I’m on speed. (Question…is “speed” even a thing now like it was when I was growing up? I told my kids that I felt like I had taken speed and they looked at me like I had two heads.) I was so perplexed by this new burst of awesomeness, that I had to throw the question out to a couple of bariatric Facebook groups. I wanted to know if anyone else had this strange and wonderful euphoric feeling? If so, does it last (please let it last)? I will just quote the best response I received…”Enjoy it. Welcome to your new life!” I may have shouted just a little. Anyway, I am loving this new feeling and am already looking forward to being extremely productive when I am fully healed and able to do some physical activity.

So tomorrow I will take my first step into my new life. I am looking forward to seeing friends that I have not seen in awhile and also getting back to a normal routine. I need a routine to help me maintain success with some regimented food “rules” for the next few weeks. I know this will not be a new life full of rules that have to be followed, but I also know that I do not do well with a complete freedom from framework at all (unless I am on vacation with a glass of wine). Without a few self-imposed rules and some kind of routine, I can easily turn into an unmotivated couch potato without any real direction. That will not be who I am going forward.

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  1. Anonymous

    Your people can’t wait for you to return!!!

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